Begin – 37.92N 75.38W – Assateague, VA
End – 36.83N 75.97W – Virginia Beach, VA
Total fuel: 113 gallons
Travel time: 10 hours
Miles traveled: 80 miles

Since we had a late ending yesterday… We wanted to give our followers a little break this morning ;-) so we didn’t start running until 8:45am.
taking no chances of getting hung up, we poked our nose outside and ran south to Metompkin Inlet for 12 hard miles… Seas one to two feet with SE wind 10 knots.
we ran for another 30 minutes to Wachapreague Marina and refueled at Capt. Zeus… Great place with good people… We took on 51.46 gallons, and set course to one of my favorite little bars, The Sunset Grill… Big shout out to Sheree for her fine Southern Hospitality, she offered us a place to stay at her house because she heard our conversation with trouble getting a place to stay at Rudee… As luck would have it we did get a room at the
Schooner Inn, right at the point Rudee Inlet, Thanks Sheree!
We made friends with a biker dude (I’m sorry buddy I forget your name! If you read this send me a message and I’ll update :-), however most importantly he gave us a perfectly shaped sand dollar for good luck, let me tell you we needed it for our last 18 miles… We plugged in Rudde Inlet to the GPS and made way. Seas were nasty running 2 to 4 feet and the wind was blowing out of the SE 15 with 25 knot gust. It made a rough ride to say the least… The boys did a great job and learned why it is so Extremely Important to prepare for the worst… Ask Matt… He didn’t want to top off his fuel before we left, however I insisted he did, which ended up being very very important… It took us 2.5 hours to make 18 miles… It was a beating and I was blown off the ski twice because of my surfboard being caught by the wind at the peak of the waves, good times!
The boys didn’t have any deboarding issues which made me very happy…. They made their Sea Bones today and learned what not to do the next time!
We departed Sunset Grill at 4:15 and arrived at Rudee at 6:39pm, made way for Inlet Station Marina and for our sake was helped out by Pat. Thank God Pat was working he helped put on 61.60 gallons of fuel, was able to provide us berthing and even gave us a ride to the hotel which he actually called in advance for us to make sure the had accommodations! Thanks Pat you were a life saver!
We settled in and caught dinner at Il Gardino on 10th street… Yummy, it was a nice treat after our beating. :-)
Captain Kelly, SPC
(Self Proclaimed Captain)
Enjoy the Dolphin show off Indian River inlet