This morning we left Matt’s and made a short run to Savannah Georgia. It was very exciting because it was very smooth the whole way and i saw some pretty cool things. We stopped at the outside of the South Carolina state park and it was really cool because there were hundreds of oak trees on the beach lying on there sides. After that we made a short journey to our hotel in Savannah. We went to Outback for dinner and it was pretty good. After dinner i went right to sleep.
7/11/14 (Matt)
Today was a relax day at Matt’s. We chilled at the house until around 2 o’clock and then dad Matt and I went around town seeing things that we never saw before. We stopped at Fort Sumter which was pretty cool. After that we went to Finz for a quick lunch. After that we went to the boat where I waited for Kelly and a couple of people to get back from fishing, and when they came back i went back out with them to fish some more. We caught nothing. After fishing Kelly Hunter and I went to Umi’s for dinner. They had very good sushi. Finally we went home and i went right to sleep.
7/12/2014 – (Kelly)
Hello everyone,
Yesterday was such a nice day. We left Charleston South Carolina at 12:10 and made it to the Westin in Savannah Georgia at 6:30. We had a beautiful ride outside in the ocean because it was flat calm for almost the entire ride. At Hilton head island which is about a 30 minute ride to Savannah, we had to cut inside because the ocean started to kick back up and was making for a bumpy ride. We will be spending tonight and tomorrow in Savannah and then we will leave for somewhere along the Florida coast on monday morning.
Over and Out.
7/10/14 (Matt)
After a good night’s sleep we were held up in a thunder and Lightning storm until around 10 o’clock. Our destination was my dads friend Matt’s house. It was a very smooth ride and everything went well. We kept the skis right next to his boat. When we got to his house we took showers had something to eat and then we went to a party which was a lot of fun. After the party we slept on the boat which was really cool.
7/9/14 (Matt)
Today we left Cousin Vinny’s around 7:45. We made Charleston South Carolina today and it was a really smooth ride. We had help from Steve the boat mate when we got to our destination. He got his friend and his friend said we could use his boat slip for the night. We stayed at the Holiday Inn right next to were we docked for the night. After we got situated in the room we took showers and went to Clark’s for dinner. It was all very good and after that i passed out in bed in around 5 minutes.
7/8/14 (Matt)
Today was the last day at Cousin Vinny’s. We all went to the Tennis courts and played tennis and soccer for a little bit and that was very fun. We would of played longer but is was sooo hot out. After that we went home ordered Pizza and played Ping Pong. After that we hung out and watched the Germany Brasil game. After that we all took showers and went to the Texas Steakhouse for dinner. It was very good and when we went home i went to sleep. Goodnight.
7/11/2014 – (Kelly)
Hola everyone,
Well today was our one and only day of staying at the Watsons house in south carolina. We had a ton of fun the night before with Mr. Watsons son Hunter. We all hung out and had a good time. But today was about to be a little more exciting. We went out fishing and cast netted for bait. After we had our bait we went a couple miles out and fished for sharks along the jetty system they have. As time went by we were only catching black sea bass, and when my rod went off again it hit very lightly and we expected another sea bass, but was i wrong. The fish took off with the line and was pulling like crazy. After a few minutes of reeling and letting it take some line out, we pulled it up. Ill let you see the picture before i tell you what it is.
It was a baby hammerhead shark. That was a fun fish to catch. I cant imagine what realing in a 1000 pound hammerhead is like.
I took a couple more cool pictures on our adventure today and here they are.
I also have some picture specifically for Mr. Damico
Overall today was a fun day. Tomorrow we will be out on the water again. We will end up somewhere in Georgia.
Over and Out.
7/10/14 – (Kelly)
Hey all,
Today was a beautiful day of riding for all of us. It was so smooth in the rivers behind south carolina. We were making very good time and advancing farther and farther in our trip. We were jumping wakes of big boats as they went by and were doing a bunch of other fun things on the skis that passed the time as we were going down the waterway that seemed like it would go on forever.
I took a few pictures of the waterway as we went down it.
Me Just Chillen out maxin relaxin all cool.
Today was a ton of fun and the ride was absolutely spectacular. This was definitely our best or second best day of riding.
Over and Out.
Captain Log 7/5/2014
Begin – 35.46N 75.31W – Virginia Beach, VA
End – 34.92N 76.65W – Havelock, NC
Total fuel: 153 gallons
Travel time: 13 hours
Miles traveled: 188 miles
Finally leaving Va. Beach… the boys were getting stir crazy and wanted to push on… the seas were 1′ NW Winds 15 knots. We left the dock at 7:30am and headed to Oregon Inlet a 65 mile run. 35 miles into the trip we needed to make a beach landing and refuel… our fuel consumption was double on this run.
When we landed on the beach a few woman came out from their houses and said we looked like “Red Dawn” invading the beach! LOL! The surf was 4′ to 6′ so the beach landing and departure was real fun! We all refueled successfully and pushed on for Oregon Inlet, we arrived at Oregon Inlet at 1:00pm. This ended up being a pretty tough ride, it sure was nice seeing Oregon Inlet and making the run in… Oregon wasn’t too bad today, you just have to stay between the waves!
We meet a bunch of really cool people, our first encounter was with Dick Adams, great guy, Civil War Actor (for the South of Course!) and keeper of cold watermelon…

Dick (pictured above right side) was kind enough to breakout some delicious watermelon and share with us and a stranded group of people from the outer banks. As a matter of fact it was like a refugee camp at his location do to the hurricane Arthur and all that were evacuated… what a bummer… be on vacation and get shipped out there was about 200 people at this location just making do.

we packed up and set course for Core Creek, about 85 mile run. In the beginning of the run all was good and once we cleared Parched Corn Bay… from Parched Corn Bay all the way to Core Creek we took a spanking… we had to run slow and with that we ran out of daylight at 8:38pm and fortunately for us we invaded Bill & Kathy McDade’s home and for us, what a blessing!
I can’t say enough about the McDade’s, we met their son in law on the beach, explained our situation and in latterly minutes we where introduced to the family, which offered us fresh dry towels and water. We packed up our gear and called my Cousin Vinny, he lives about 30 minutes away… his lovely wife Deana was able to come and pick us up. :-)
Now back to the McDade’s… after securing our skis the McDades invited us into their home and gave us, fruit, cheese and crackers, and most importantly… not to mention a fine selection of beer! Their three little nieces where helping out and running around with excitement… looking at the jet ski people! LOL It was the perfect family to run into… they are avid sailors and their daughter even races sail boats in San Fran… so they totally understood our situation. :-)

Thank you very much Mr. & Mrs. McDade, we really appreciated all the hospitality!
Thank God we made it to where we did, the fortune of the McDade’s and only 30 minutes from Vincent and Deana’s home!
Since it was the Forth of July, Vincent was working the Fireworks so Deana had to make the ride out to pick us up… the reason I’m pointing this out because it was a very dark long ride, Deana never really ventured out this way however she toughed it out and made it to our location… Thank you Deana!!!
Vinny and Deana had everything ready for us when we got to their house… the boys were all joking that they could sleep on concrete and it would feel comfortable… however the air mattresses felt like the finest bedding one could buy!!! What a great night sleep!
Over & Out
Captain Kelly, SPC
(Self Proclaimed Captain)
Ps: I know I’m running a couple days behind… trying to catch up over the next couple days. :-)
7/9/2014 – (Kelly)
Hey all,
Today we left from Morehead City NC at 8:40 AM. We had smooth riding all day today, except for the ride through the Cape Fear river, but that wasn’t so bad because the way the waves were coming at us, we were able to just stay on top of them. We made that 13 mile stretch in about 35-45 minutes. Here is a picture of Matt and I in the middle of the Fear River.
We were able to cruise at around 30-35 miles an hour all day today. It made for a very nice day and it was an overall successful day. We made it to Little River SC at about 7:30 PM and we pulled into a Marina Called Cricket Cove. Now, us being Grillo’s, we had to pull in there. For anyone that does not know, Grillo in italian means “Cricket”. So we pull in there and are greeted by a nice man named Steve. He said that we should just go about a half mile down the river and stay there because they had a marina and a hotel right next to each other. When we get there, Steve had driven down and met us and was able to let us use a friends slip free of charge! We were very grateful and happy to have a place to spend the night. I think today we traveled a total of about 120-125 miles. Well, off to dinner it is. We will be eating at a place called Chucks that is about 40 steps out the front door of our hotel.
Over and Out.